A is Unarguably Red, About the Same Color as 8

Hi. I’m in seventh grade now.

Unless you’re a psychologist or neurologist, or you know me personally, or you know about this because you were on the internet for five hours and stumbled upon it (I’m going to guess the latter), you probably have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about. Like, how can she associate colors… with letters and numbers?

No, I’m not insane. Well, at least, I’m not insane about this.

It’s a little thing called synesthesia.

The Google definition is “the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body”.

Which doesn’t explain it at all.

The scientific definition of it is that in some people’s minds, their senses are intertwined, which results in interesting abilities that mostly have to do with colors.

My kind is called grapheme-color synesthesia. A grapheme is a fancy name for letter or number. So in essence, this means that I associate letters and numbers with colors.

Do you think I’m weird yet?

I’m not super happy about saying this, but basically nobody reads my blog, so…

Here’s my alphabet (I put smileys next to ones I like):

A = bright cherry red 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

B = it’s mostly purple, but can be dark blue sometimes (it’s kind of weird)

C = a very light cream yellow

D = another purple

E: darkish green 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

F = definitely periwinkle 🙂

G = dark purple

H = a weird orange-yellow

I = definitely yellow, lemon yellow 🙂 🙂

J = yellow with the tiniest hint of green

K = tiger orange

L = mostly light blue, with a hint of grey (and yes that is how I spell grey I’m British) 🙂 🙂

M = pale yellowish-orange

N = carrot orange

O = midnight blue, which apparently is weird, because most people see it as orange or clear 🙂

P = tangerine orange

Q = navy blue-purple

R = rusty orange 🙂

S = honey yellow 🙂 🙂

T = a mix of baby blue and teal 🙂

U = baby blue 🙂

V = an ugly pale orange-yellow-green

W = sapphire blue 🙂

X = squash orange

Y = similar color to V, more of a yellow. V is a pointy orange which makes it ugly (that probably makes absolutely no sense to you)

Z = a very dark grey

And here are my numbers (0-9. any numbers past that are just mixtures of the colors 0-9):

0 = an almost translucent white

1 = as black as black can get

2 = very light grey

3 = emerald green 🙂

4 = fire orange

5 = sunny yellow

6 = dark amethyst purple 🙂

7 = sky blue 🙂

8 = bright apple red 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 (this has always been my favorite number for this reason)

9 = about the same color as J, maybe a bit greener

So there you go. My little weirdness. BTW I don’t pick these colors, they’re just… there…



Return of the Lulu

Hello, peopleness! So I was locked out of my WordPress account for a long time (hehehe) but then I reset my password and I’m back in! As you can see, it’s now May! Life is going pretty great.


CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR CAME OUT TODAY!!!!!!!!!! I’m going to give you le youtube linkness!


It is gonna be an AWESOME movie. I am gonna see it tomorrow!!!!!!!! I mean, I basically know the whole plot thanks to my friend, but still it’s going to be great!

QOTD: Who is your favorite Avenger? Mine is Scarlet Witch, but I also like Hawkeye and Black Widow.

Also comment whose side you’re on for Civil War!!! I am neutral because Iron Man is better than Cap. but Cap’s teammates are better, so I am torn in indecision. But you people MUST CHOOSE!!!

I will tell you tomorrow how I like the movie!!!


The Last Day of Break

Ok, this post is just going to be me whining about everything that sucks. Not that life is bad. Just…

  1. SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW!!!!!!!! Ok, this isn’t really a bad thing. I like school. But to make matters worse… (see 2)
  2. When we go back to school, we have to do a whole bunch of GIANT TESTS called ERBs. ALL WEEK. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL WEEEEEEEEEEEEEK. And who likes tests? That’s what I would like to know. If you do, please comment and I will dedicate an entire blog post to being amazed about how you like tests.
  3. My mom is sick. That’s not a bad thing – well, it is for her, and I feel really sorry for her – but we don’t get to really do anything when she’s sick. Also, my dad has work to do. So I have NOTHING TO DO. Except email my friend.
  4. I want to go over to my friend’s house, but she hasn’t replied to my email yet.
  5. I was going to go to the awesome new “Seattle Meowtropolitan” cat cafe today, but the person who was going to take me is sick. With the same thing that my mom has. Bah, sickness!
  6. It’s raining.

Okay, that’s about it. It’s actually not that bad. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there worrying about their next source of food and things. I wish I could help them.

The only things keeping me in a good mood are:

  1. do  like school. So I’m actually also excited to go back and say hi to all my friends and stuff. And brag about my epic new camera that I got for Christmas (hahaha JK). Except for the ERB testing part… 🙁
  2. My dad promised me he would play an awesome board game with me later this afternoon. It’s super hilarious.
  3. My mom wants to watch a movie with me – if we keep a distance on the couch. I really don’t need to be sick right now.
  4. I only emailed my friend about coming over about twenty minutes ago. She can still reply!
  5. I got a cool coloring book for Christmas, so I’m going to keep coloring the picture that I started coloring. It’s a grown-up coloring book called Animorphia. It’s French.
  6. MY BIRTHDAY IS IN… 9 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know what? I’m feeling a lot better about all the things that suck in my life right now! And they don’t even suck that much! Except, of course, for the ERB part… 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

Saturday Mornings

For some people, Saturday mornings mean doing something awesome with your best friends. For others – including yours truly – you sit at home for ages and then possibly do something in the evening. The evening. Almost twelve hours away from the morning!

So, since we’re having the panto party – that’s short for pantomime party – I have to wait about until this evening for the fun to begin!!!!!!

And you’ll soon find out that I HATE waiting…

New Year’s Day!!!!

I can’t believe it’s 2016!! It still feels like 2015. I mean, yes, it’s January 1st, and my school starts up again on the fourth, and my BIRTHDAY is in twelve days…………………………………

O_O It just feels soooooo strange! An entirely new year!! A year that’s never happened, ever! The universe could explode this year! There could be an alien invasion! Computers might become more powerful than man! I could become a bestselling author this year!!!!!! :O

But right now, it’s normal. And I have to go back to middle school in over three days… And the week we go back, we have a whole bunch of giant tests….

The party last night was so fun, though. I drank a lot of soda. And ate a lot of crepes with Nutella. And raclette. (A thing you do to melt cheese, kinda like fondue. But not.)

And tomorrow is the pantomime! “Hansel and Gretel and the Three Bears”. Hmm… that sounds cool…